A lot of people are going to loose it in a long term emergency!

God created the human being as a hybrid a composite of human flesh and a spiritual soul.   The soul of which is oriented towards God and on a most fundamental level the flesh is driven largely by primal instincts of food, water, sex and just about anything else that stimulates the senses.

When C-19 came sailing down the road it became apparent in less than a week who was and who wasn’t properly oriented.

Whether you “Believe” or not…..at the end of the day there will be a dirt suit tailored specifically for you.   For some it will be sooner and others it will be later…but it will happen.

Jesus loved us so much that his earthly ministry left us an action plan and two great commandments that will get us there

1. Thou shall love the Lord with all thy heart, all thy soul and all thy mind.

2. Love thy neighbor as thyself.

So when you deeply reflect on these 2 commandments what did you do today to fulfill them?