As the owner of a business that sells firearms related training products, I spend a lot of time and meet a lot of people discerning on their first firearms purchase. I would say that a good 30% of the people that I speak to are this way.
Owning a firearm is a huge responsibility and as the saying goes “You are responsible for every round that comes out of the gun” which is 100% true.
A very common customer type is the person that says “I have never owned or shot a pistol before but I know I need to have something” and then proceed to buy the least expensive pistol they can find a the show with 100 rounds of ammo. The mentality being “If I shoot 50 rounds at the range and hit the paper I’m good” then proceed to go home and toss the loaded pistol in their underwear drawer. What could ever go wrong?
After you have taken an introduction to firearms course at the local range. The proper questions to ask yourself as a first time gun owner might be:
Why do I really need a pistol? And then really evaluate the answers
Who is in the house that I need to protect?
Will everybody in the house have access to this pistol.
How will I carry it? Will I get a concealed carry permit (another expense)?
How frequently will I train with it?
and lastly
Do I have to the fortitude to shoot a kill someone?